the work.
the start.
Growing up in Melbourne I was surrounded by architecture and design. My father was a director at some of Australia’s largest architecture practices in Australia. His work, and the work of the practices influenced the way I thought about the spatial relationships of everything. However, while I loved the profound impact architecture had on experience, I was far more interested in the graphic dimensions associated with expressing it visually, rather than developing a passion for making architecture. So, in 1989 I found myself studying graphic design at Monash University. Here, in the 80’s cell block of the Clayton campus I found my calling, and, as fate would have it, my husband.
Graduating in 1992 in the depths of an economic downturn in Melbourne Steven and I boldly opened our brand and communications business. Cornwell (the name of my husband and my two children) would go on to be one of the most successful in Australia winning pinnacle design awards and major projects across Australia and the Asia Pacific. I loved everything about design, but art and the role of art in creating culture was always at the centre of how I approached everything. In 2014, Steven and I moved to NYC.
and now.
For me, NYC represents an opportunity to create broader relationships with artists and galleries as well as drawing creative inspiration from many of the great geometric artists (living and past) such as Donald Judd, Sonia Delaunay, to Carmen Herrera. As I continue to develop my work in NYC, Melbourne has always been my home.
My early work was an expression of mainly two dimensional large scale pieces and has now developed to smaller works with three dimensional elements. Playing with scale allows the individual pieces to add sculptural quality to a room without overpowering the interior intent of the architect. Jewel like the miniatures tell stories of my love of space. My affinity to architecture. Memories of things I’ve seen, they are an interpretation of a moment, a time, an environment, or a thing. All while creating a new genre of three dimensional painting.